Infrastructure Support
Zantech ensures that its customer’s IT infrastructure is sufficiently robust, scalable, and operates efficiently. We deliver integrated infrastructure support services that enable the underlying physical environment to support the customer’s processes, physical resources, and all software and hardware infrastructure. We provide the infrastructure managers and resources required for developing, integrating, operating, and sustaining IT applications. Our Team also provides the physical resources such as engineers, programmers, administrators, and help/service desk personnel to support the customer. This enables us to ensure a reliable and consistent level of service availability for both human and machine users of the infrastructure. Zantech infrastructure personnel have the knowledge, skills, and training/certifications required to confront the rapid changes in the emerging technology of an IT infrastructure that come from many sources, including organizational objectives to reduce cost, reduce environmental impact, improve efficiency and service levels via automation, enhance business agility, and effectively manage strategic acquisitions.

Zantech considers infrastructure security to be a paramount requirement throughout all layers of the information infrastructure. This approach keeps client systems and infrastructure resilient against internal and external threats. Zantech incorporates the latest security best practices, risk assessment techniques, and Risk Management Framework (RMF) process to ensure adequate required security controls are thoroughly implemented. This ensures that all infrastructure configuration items obtain and maintain Authorizations To Operate (ATO) while minimizing security risks throughout the infrastructure’s operational life cycle. Zantech’s Software and Systems Engineering Services and certifications include:
- CMMI Level – III Software Development SEI accredited processes
- Quality Management System (QMS) and processes that are ISO 9001 Certified
- Systems Management System (SMS) and processes that are ISO 20000-1:2015 Certified
- Information Security Management System (ISMS) and processes that are ISO 27001 Certified
- Information Assurance, Interoperability, Application Integration
- Information Exchange
- Local and Wide Area Network (LAN/WAN) Security and Operations
- Continuity of Operations (COOP) – (Design, Planning, Testing, Implementation)
- Risk Management
- Data Center – Design, Build Out, Implementation, Integration, Operations, and Security
- Application and Data Migrations
- Infrastructure Configuration Management (Including Mapping and Documentation)
- Testing and Evaluation
- Conceptual and Physical Infrastructure Model (As Is & To Be) Definition and Implementation

Case Study
Here, you will find Case Studies detailing the challenges we have faced on multiple contracts, and the impressive actions we have taken to overcome them. To learn more about our infrastructure support services, click on “Discover more”, and check back regularly to learn about our newest contracts and customer testimonials.